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natural necessity中文是什么意思

用"natural necessity"造句"natural necessity"怎么读"natural necessity" in a sentence


  • 自然的需要


  • And then it is a logical necessity to be spiteful , just as it s a natural necessity for a plucked apple to go bad
    这一来,你便逻辑地不得不要仇恨起来,正如一个摘下来的苹果,自然地不得不要腐坏一样。 ”
  • If we feel like it , let us all have a good cry - and clear our minds of those cobwebs of confusion which have for so long prevented us from understanding the natural necessity of crying
  • If we feel like it , let us all have a good cry - and clear our minds of those cobwebs of confusion which have for so long prevented us from understanding the natural necessity of crying
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